Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Google, known to follow (to follow) a lot of beautiful and sexy women account on Instagram. Either feel embarrassed or there are other reasons, Schmidt was closing the account the photo sharing site.
This was revealed by a journalist from the website Valleywag, Schmidt mentioned Instagram account to follow a lot of young women who take pictures of themselves while being clad in a bikini or posing naughty.
According to the journalist, as quoted by Business Insider, Monday (29/07/2013), it is very different from the contents of Schmidt's Twitter account is mostly odorless technology contains content that is "boring".
Interestingly, Schmidt does not seem to follow the Instagram account of his boyfriend.
Schmidt was actually never commented on the issue of privacy on the Internet. "If you have something you do not want to know other people on the internet, maybe you should not do it," Schmidt said.
However, Schmidt seems oblivious to the petuahnya itself. Behavior "naughty" one of Google's top brass on the internet finally started to be known by many people.
Until now, both Google and Schmidt are still refusing to give his comments.