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Analyst: BlackBerry aged just 18 months

Performance of companies that continue to decrease makes BlackBerry dies often referred to in the near future. One analyst from Bernstein Research predicts research institutions BlackBerry can only last up to 18 months ahead.

Pierre Ferragu prediction of Bernsein Research related to CEO Thorstein Heins statement some time ago that said if the company had cash of USD 2.6 billion and no debt. Ferragu also refer to funds of about USD 2 billion , BlackBerry still will last until February 2015.

BlackBerry is also expected to exert more efforts to maintain the number of patents held. Predicted BlackBerry will lose about 7 million employees in the next quarter.

"We believe virtually no collateral for bank loans, and there is no credible story to justify more than a billion of equity," Ferragu  said as reported by the pages of The Guardian, Saturday ( 10/05/2013 ).

The presence of a touch screen BlackBerry devices Z10 just not able to improve the condition of the company. In fact it is actually said to be the trigger increasingly poor condition of the BlackBerry.

Previously known if the BlackBerry has signed a letter of intent ( tentative agreement ) to a consortium of companies acquired by Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited for USD 4.7 billion.
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