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Sony show off the fun of playing PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4 is certainly going to go on sale later this year. However, in order to keep the interest gamers the latest generation of gaming consoles, Sony will thrust gamers to be able to feel the thrill of playing a PS4.

Utilizing the Comic-Con event held in San Diego at the end of July, Sony offers 3 gamers can play the games on the PlayStation 4 game console DriveClub, Knack, and Octodad.

Not only that, gamers had the opportunity to sample the latest games PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita portable game console at an event planned to be held from 18 to 21 July was.

For the sake of smooth out his intention, Sony also launched a video in which shows the fun that will be offered on the PlayStation 4 gamers through its menu interface is attractive.

Interestingly, Xbox One as a competitor to the PlayStation 4 also do not want to miss, as we quoted from Game Spot, Monday (15/07/2013), game console made ​​by Microsoft is also offering the same opportunity for gamers who visit the Comic-Con event.

But given Microsoft's blunder ever did at E3 a while back, hopefully this time it was offered to play a game that gamers actually run by Xbox One, instead of high specification PCs with Windows 7 operating system.
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