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Business Hacker Underground: Secrets of Selling State

Underground hacker world is now getting dark. They say they have started selling the confidential data of a country, to another state to its competitors.

Call it Luigi Auriemma (32 years) and Donato Ferrante (28 years). According to a report in The New York Times, both running a company that is specifically sell the data to certain countries.

Such data is used system vulnerabilities of a country. The hacker claims the data is still 'fresh' and have not been patched, so that prospective buyers can use it to infiltrate.

Sales data is such that his life has gone on long enough. Several years Auriemma and Ferrante also weakness of detail never sell Apple and Microsoft systems.

Such as we have quoted from Business Week, Monday (15/07/2013), the United States is touted as the country's most frequently purchased about a data gap in the system of other countries, especially if the country competitors.

Then Uncle Sam than countries such as Israel, England, Russia, India and Brazil are also claimed to be willing to disburse large gap in order to know the state they were after.

"The government has started to think: The best way to protect my country is to identify the weaknesses in other countries," said Howard Schmidt, former White House Cyber ​​Security Coordinator.
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