Android users did not have to download and install the application directly from the official digital stores Play Store. They can do it from a third party.
However, this method is not completely safe because it could be downloaded applications from outside the Play Store is actually a malware or malicious programs.
To protect users, Google has been quietly arming Android malware scanner with a feature in Google Play Services service. This feature will automatically scan for malware works, if users install the APK from a third party.
Initially, these new security features present in Android 4.2 Jelly Bean version. However, as quoted from VR-Zone, on Friday (02/08/2013), with the number of complaints and reports regarding the number of malware in Android, Google also decided to present these features in the Android version is lower, ranging from Android 2.3 Gingerbread to above.
For your information, the current Android 4.2 users are still not too many, only about 10 percent of the Android operating system.
To enable this feature, the user can open the "Settings". Typically, the feature is located in the "Security". Once open, choose the option "Verify Apps", which will work scanning for malware every user wants to install an application.
Even so, of course you still have to be vigilant and cautious in granting access to an application. Preferably, really understand what permissions granted to the application. Most users do not read the fine option granted permission.