Had shown a positive trend in June 2013 and then, an increase in market share of Microsoft's latest operating system, Windows 8, even slowed in the month of July 2013.
Based on data from Net Applications in July 2013, quoted from The Next Web, Thursday (01/08/2013), the market share of Windows 8 globally rose from 5.10 percent to 5.40 percent, or 0.30 points only increased only. This is the lowest growth ever earned by Windows 8 since it was launched in late October 2012.
Meanwhile, in June 2013, the market share of Windows 8, an increase of 0.83 points to 5.10 per cent from the previous month. The increase is one of the largest in the history of Windows 8.
At that time, this growth was driven by the desire of users to try out the preview version of Windows 8.1, which again provides the Start button. While Windows 8 to slower growth in July is likely to occur because the user is comfortable using Windows 7.
The market share of Windows Vista continues to decline. Windows Vista has decreased from 4.61 percent to 4.24 percent or 0.38 percent different than in June 2013.
Meanwhile, Windows 7 still holds the operating system most widely used by the world's population. He experienced a slight increase in market share, amounting to 0.12 points, from 44.37 percent to 44.49 percent.
The second operating system is still the most widely used Windows XP. This operating system also experienced a slight increase, although not very significant. Market share increased 0.02 points, from 37.17 percent to 37.19 percent.
Overall, all versions of Windows had a slight increase in market share in June and July 2013, from 91.51 percent to 91.56 percent. Operating system OS X and Linux has decreased, respectively are now 7.19 percent (down 0.01 points) and 1.25 percent (down 0.03 percent).
The data from Net Applications released this is the monitoring of 160 million monthly unique visitors who log in to the website 40,000.