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Samsung Open Research Center Near Google The Headquarters

Seriousness in the business of Samsung smart devices began to show a variety of ways, including one establishing new research centers. No half-hearted Samsung also chose the location of Silicon Valley.

As is known, during the Sillicon Valley is the headquarters of the world's technology giants like Google, Apple, and Facebook. As if not to "catch" a success, Samsung also announced plans to open a research center on an area of ​​8.5 hectares.

Until now Samsung a leader in smart device with more than 270 thousand employees in 79 countries. The decision to build a research center in Silicon Valley is one of Samsung's support in the development of a fast growing market.

In addition, to support innovation and collaboration to support future handset made by Samsung. Given the record until now Samsung has managed to sell the device for U.S. $ 187.8 billion worldwide.

"Our new research center will support an environment that aims for strategic growth for the company and is expected to provide an innovative work environment," said Daniel Eum, President of Samsung's Research America, as reported by Business Wire page.

Samsung's new campus will consist of two six-story building covering an area of ​​385 thousand square meters and two parking buildings, each of which consists of six floors. This development process is expected to be completed in December 2014, given the process of laying the first stone has been going on in July.

"The expansion of the Samsung research center built on the company's history who has spent the last 35 years in San Jose," added Dan again.

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