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BlackBerry 'Made in Indonesia', where the Its factory?

A number of significant principal components for each BlackBerry devices secretly manufactured in Indonesia. Then the question, where is the factory for this?

"For the headset manufacturer in Cullinan, while others in Batam," said Yolanda Nainggolan, PR Manager to our BlackBerry Indonesia in Jakarta, Friday (07/12/2013).

As reported earlier, the BlackBerry finally revealed that there are a number of components procured material for devices that are manufactured in Indonesia.

Components include battery, motors for vibration notification (vibrate), modifier zone (time zone change), for headphones and headsets.

"For the headset in Cullinan, the factory there way to Bogor. Batam But I've never been there, maybe later we can visit to see the media production," said Yolanda.

The components are then imported back to the BlackBerry in a number of assembly plants overseas, the majority in Hungary and Mexico.

Once packaged into a single unit device, and pass quality control and quality assurance, the device then re-distributed throughout the world, including Indonesia. In the last three months, the BlackBerry has distributed 6.8 million smartphones globally.

Yolanda explains, BlackBerry unit supply is not the same for all countries. Because the specifications follow the needs of each country. BlackBerry Z10 for example, between devices that are sent to different European and Indonesian.

"In Indonesia, support for LTE Z10 yet because there is no network. Meanwhile, European markets already include LTE because they are already roll out its network," he explained.

But for BlackBerry Q10, which produced the majority of handsets are already ready for LTE network is now already widely available in many countries. Indonesia itself is preparing to LTE, as early as 2014.
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