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Engrossed In Browsing Facebook, This Girl Spent Rp 57 Million

London - This girl is happy to be a picnic to New York and many status updates on Facebook about his vacation. No warning, he spent the pulses to approximately USD 57 million!

The girl is Casey Snook, adolescents aged 14 from England. He visited the famous places in New York and many posted photos on Facebook via iPhone.

No warning, because of the credit bills facebookan activities abroad that reach 3,800 pounds. If dirupiahkan, reaching the range of USD 57 million.

"When I heard about the bill, I felt nauseous. Casey himself very angry," said Kate Snook, mother Casey is quoted from dailymail, Friday (07/12/2013).

The mother protested operator Orange are not warned that his daughter would be so huge roaming charges. And usually, per month Casey just spent 50 pounds pulses.

Orange party itself when it was confirmed not want to be blamed for granted. They claim to have a warning on Casey through SMS.

The mother was resigned to having to pay a bill that is so large. But this time, he claimed not to have that much money.
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