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Samsung, Nokia Reason Reluctant to Use Android

Nokia dicibir as good behind the handset, they end up 'just' choose Windows Phone and not Android. After a long silence, now we finally know what the reason Nokia reluctant to use Android.

Nokia CEO Stephen Elop said one of the reasons why his company still refuses to use Android was Samsung.

Yes, according to Elop, talks about Android then inevitably have to recognize the dominance of Samsung in Google's operating system. That of course is not good when vendors like Nokia negotiated with the operator.

"In the United States in particular, operators are the ones who decide which device is put in front of consumers. Without the blessing they are trying to sell the handsets to be difficult," Elop said, as quoted from Android Authority, Sunday (07/14/2013).

Currently, more Elop, there are two operating system platforms on the rise, namely iOS and Android. Of course Apple's iOS and Android, although it could use a lot of vendors, in fact, still dominated by Samsung.

"That is why we come to Micorosoft (pembesut Windows Phone-ed) in order to provide a third alternative for carriers after Android and iOS. With a wide choice of operator will also put pressure on Samsung and Apple," he added.

Elop reason this may be a word to the wise, because as we all know how the struggle HTC (or LG and Sony) against Samsung, but they are on the same operating system platform.
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