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BlackBerry BBM sure can beat whatsapp and line

BlackBerry confident that BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) can compete with other instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Line, KakaoTalk, and WeChat. 

Decision to remove fuel another platform aims to strengthen the software business and increase the number of users that the BlackBerry BBM not always rely on the hardware business. 

Senior Director of Marketing Asia Pacific BlackBerry Krishnadeep believe Baruah, fuel have a great opportunity in the midst of a business instant messaging applications that are growing rapidly. 

"We are confident to be the leader in instant messaging as BBM has the advantage that no competitors," he said. 

The first advantage is Baruah is a matter of security. Authentication is done through the BlackBerry personal identification number (PIN), not through a phone number, which for some people is a private matter. 

Baruah said, with this PIN base one can not know the other user's phone number so that privacy is maintained. 

"BBM is also famous for the security system and integration with BlackBerry Enterprise communication solutions Service (BES) for corporate," he explained. 

"Weapons" both, BBM has characteristic marker if a message is sent to mark the letter "D", and if the message has been read it will be replaced with "R" This feature, according to him, like the user to know the status of a message. 

The company claims, there are 10 billion messages sent and received every day from BBM, and BBM currently has 60 million active subscribers. 

The Company believes the number of subscribers will grow rapidly after the fuel is present in Android and iPhone. "Moreover, we also will be constantly adding new features in BBM, BBM including Voice, Video fuel, until fuel Channels. This will enrich the user experience," added Baruah. 

The competitors fuel currently has a larger number of users. WhatsApp currently has 200 million subscribers, WeChat 300 million subscribers, Line 130 million subscribers, KakaoTalk 80 million subscribers, Facebook Messenger 56 million subscribers, and 240 million Skype subscribers.
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