BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) will officially enter the Google Play Android app store and iOS App Store on Saturday (21/09/2013) and Sunday (09/22/2013) future.
While the application is "stuck" in the Blackberry platform that continues to fall in the competitive mobile industry, competitors such as Line, KakaoTalk, and his friends continue to grow in iOS and Android.
Instant messaging application greatest of all is WhatsApp has claimed that up to now has 300 million users. Compared to these figures, the number of BlackBerry users at 60 million look small.
However, that was before oil migrated to Android and iOS. Can BlackBerry's flagship service user interests the two platforms?
Compared to similar applications on the market, the actual fuel still has a number of advantages that potentially makes it more attractive than its competitors, including WhatsApp.
Well, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the popular chat application? Here is a small list that can be studied by a number of aspects, as quoted by Kompas Tekno from FirstPost and CrackBerry.
1. Delivery of messages. BBM users certainly familiar with the notification form lowercase "D" which indicates that a message has been sent to the destination device and the "R" which means the message has been read by the user focused.
So, would not have a similar mechanism in the form of WhatsApp tick? Not really. Checkmark one time on WhatsApp merely explained that the message has been sent to the server. While tick twice stated that the message has been sent to the destination device, not been read by the recipient.
That information is explained clearly by WhatsApp itself on its official website. Thus, the fuel still has advantages in terms of clarity of the status of the sent message.
2 . Privacy and how to " invite " . Therein lies one of the fundamental difference between WhatsApp and BBM .
Invitation mechanism based on a phone number WhatsApp is very easy to use because the user can directly send messages to other users in the contact list both use WhatsApp without the hassle of sending " invitations " and wait for approval .
On the other hand , the excess is a weakness as well as phone numbers WhatsApp users be spread everywhere . Whoever owns that number and can send messages inviting users into the group without need permission .
Users are able to block unwanted contact , but it could lead to an awkward situation both men .
BBM - including Android and iPhone versions - use PIN -based mechanism and requires an invitation and authorization before a user can send messages to a destination device .
It does help to protect privacy , but unfortunately a bit inconvenient because the user can not directly use the existing phone number in the contact list , but had to send the first invitation .
3 . Share " files " . Both BBM and WhatsApp are able to send contact information , location , the following pictures and voice notes .
Not like WhatsApp , BBM group can only send the image , although it can be added captions and comments . However , the BBM Group members can share schedules and calendar events .
BBM supports up to 30 members in a group , while the limits imposed more lenient WhatsApp , reaching 50 contacts .
One of the features of the fuel that does not exist in the iPhone and Android versions are fuel channel which allows the user to be followers of a channel that broadcasts all sorts of content .
The mechanism is similar to Twitter , but have differences in terms of privacy because users can not see which channels are followed by other users . This feature is planned to be added in BBM for iPhone and Android at a later time , along with voice and video chat functions .
4 . " Emoticons " and personalization . BBM provides a selection of standard emoticons as many as 90 pieces , while WhatsApp is much more varied with 189 emoticons that can be selected .
BBM does provide some 600 " hidden emoticons " which can be accessed using a specific code , but it is troublesome harena be memorized or managed by other applications .
About personalization, WhatsApp users can use a different wallpaper for each chat window. These capabilities will be provided by the fuel.
Information on the status of the fuel could be set to display the status of the custom and the music being listened to, and connect with a number of applications, such as Foursquare so it can also include updated information on the application in question.
5. Notification. Both BBM and WhatsApp can give incoming message notifications through the flashing lights, vibration, and noise. BBM has the action "Ping" is typical to remind the recipient to read the message.
So, which one is best among the two popular chat application? Both have the same advantages and disadvantages as described above. Superior fuel about privacy and a number of other things such as status notification messages.
While WhatsApp rely on the ease of use and the number of users that have been so much more than fuel. Not known which of the two options is the more superior and able to attract users.
To be sure, the presence of BBM on Android and iOS, both platforms are now users can use the app in a smartphone along with WhatsApp without the need to select or switch devices.