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Let's Share, For Makin Connected World

Sharing is part of human needs. Sharing a proof of our relationship with the people who matter in our lives and ultimately the world more open and connected.

Dasanya sharing activities on meeting basic human needs as social beings. A friend once told me, if we want to understand what the meaning of 'social' true, then we need to do is go home and have dinner with the family. Or as easy as a phone call and talk to our mom to say happy birthday for example.

Habits and fundamental action is what makes us human. With the mobile technology today, people can more easily connect with their family and closest friends almost every time.

Mobile penetration in Indonesia is growing rapidly. According to a report issued by eMarketers, mobile penetration in 2012 has reached 60% of the total population of Indonesia and is expected to rise to 64% by the end of 2013.

This means that at the end of 2013, there were about 160.5 million people who will become mobile phone users. And in 2016, the penetration is expected to increase to 72%.

Phone is fundamentally a social tool - where we can easily share pictures, documenting moments in life and communicate with friends. So therefore, there are opportunities for mobile phones to be a platform to share quality content and marketing messages through channels very personal.

Although limited by the screen size of mobile phones, but true mobile phone is a platform in which to focus its attention and undivided. Therefore, for the perpetrators of marketing, this is an ideal medium to attract new customers.

Mobile penetration rate is high in Indonesia, making mobile advertising as an ideal platform for marketing because it allows actors actors connect with the consumer marketing of new and old ones, as well as to grow the business.

Interests of the perpetrators marketing mobile advertising will continue to increase and this is seen through the first quarter of 2013 reports of Facebook, which showed that 30 percent of total ad revenue ($ 12.5 billion) generated from mobile advertising.

In 2012, Facebook reorder the principle focus of the company's first mobile or "mobile first". Facebook back in 2013 changed its focus to promote the creation of products for mobile devices or "mobile best".

There are many things we can do on a mobile device that can not be done on desktop computers, such as feature location services "Nearby" which has recently launched or photo-sharing services like Instagram to exist in mobile messaging and more.

We certainly can not carry a desktop computer at weddings, dinner parties or when we exercise, when traveled so far to deliver on the first day of school children. But this is a moment in life that we want to capture, and we share with friends or family, while actually happened and not when we are in front of a computer screen.

The fact that today more and more people access Facebook through mobile devices than through desktop computers reinforce this statement.

Companies with Brand (brand) large, marketing actors who expect instant response and small and medium businesses currently using Facebook to reach out to new and existing customers through product advertising features that can be accessed through mobile devices, such as sponsored stories and Promoted posts that could appear on the timeline Facebook. Facebook mobile advertising products provide an opportunity to reach more than 750 million accessed Facebook via a mobile phone in a way that is more relevant and integrated.

For businesses, Facebook provides a way to connect with users through personal experience that is created in the fan pages. Consumers can now connect and interact with his favorite brand on Facebook. For example, I really enjoyed dinner at a small restaurant in Singapore, "The Little Diner". I always update my status and check in on Facebook every visit this place, and my actions and chatter sparked interest from my friends.

Companies in general are now aspired to build deep relationships with customers to encourage them to be their biggest supporter. From this story by word of mouth going.

With such a personal relationship, people will share experiences with their friends and share activities that eventually can be multipliability by itself.

In the end, all it's the question of how to connect users with people and things that they like.
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